
Can Evidence Be Submitted After Discovery | Quick Reference Guide

5 minutes

What happens if new evidence emerges after discovery has closed? Can evidence be submitted after discovery, or is it too late? This question is critical for attorneys who must navigate last-minute developments while ensuring compliance with procedural rules. In this blog, we’ll explore the circumstances under which new evidence may be introduced, the legal requirements for late disclosures, and strategies to avoid evidentiary disputes that could impact your case.

Understanding the Discovery Process

The discovery process is a critical stage in civil and criminal proceedings, governed by federal rules, local rules, and court precedents. It involves the exchange of information and evidence between parties, ensuring transparency and fairness in legal proceedings. Understanding the discovery process is essential for litigators to navigate litigation effectively.

During discovery, both parties disclose evidence, witness statements, expert reports, and other relevant materials. The process helps attorneys assess the strengths and weaknesses of their cases and prepare for trial. However, a common question arises: Can evidence be submitted after discovery has closed?

For more information about the discovery process, watch he video below:

Submitting Newly Discovered Evidence

In some circumstances, newly discovered evidence can be introduced after the discovery phase has concluded. However, courts generally impose strict criteria for its admissibility:

  • The evidence must be material and relevant to the case.
  • It must not have been previously disclosed due to factors beyond the control of the presenting party.
  • The party seeking to submit the evidence must demonstrate that it was not reasonably available during the discovery process.
  • The opposing party must be given an opportunity to review and respond to the new evidence.

Courts may allow late evidence submission if it prevents injustice, but they also balance fairness to both parties. If the opposing side can show prejudice due to the late submission, the court may exclude the evidence.

Disclosure Requirements and Best Practices

Disclosure requirements vary by jurisdiction and case type. In civil litigation, parties are typically obligated to disclose all relevant information during discovery. In criminal cases, the prosecution must disclose exculpatory evidence that may impact the defense.

To avoid complications with late evidence submissions, litigators should follow best practices:

  • Maintain thorough documentation of all evidence obtained during discovery.
  • Verify completeness and accuracy before submitting evidence.
  • Use standardized forms for evidence disclosure to ensure compliance.
  • Communicate promptly with opposing counsel regarding any newly discovered material.
  • Seek court permission as soon as new evidence emerges to avoid delays or sanctions.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Failing to comply with discovery obligations can lead to serious consequences, including:

  • Sanctions imposed by the court, which may include fines or adverse inference rulings.
  • Exclusion of the newly submitted evidence from trial.
  • Loss of credibility before the court.
  • Case dismissal in extreme situations.

Non-compliance can damage a litigator’s reputation and undermine their client’s position. Therefore, staying proactive in evidence management is crucial.

Strategies for Effective Evidence Submission

To ensure smooth evidence submission, litigators should:

  • Work closely with clients and expert witnesses to identify and gather all necessary evidence before discovery ends.
  • Utilize technology, such as document management software, to track and organize evidence efficiently.
  • Be prepared to respond to objections from opposing counsel regarding the timing and relevance of new evidence.
  • File motions for leave to introduce late evidence as early as possible, providing justification for the delay.


While courts generally expect all evidence to be disclosed during discovery, exceptions exist for newly discovered, material evidence that was previously unavailable. Litigators must be strategic in handling late evidence submissions, ensuring compliance with procedural rules and minimizing potential prejudice to the opposing party.

By understanding the rules surrounding post-discovery evidence, attorneys can effectively navigate the complexities of litigation while maintaining credibility and fairness.

Evidence After Discovery FAQ

Can evidence be submitted after discovery closes?Y

es, but only under specific conditions. Courts may allow late evidence submissions if they are material, relevant, and were previously unavailable despite due diligence.

What happens if I fail to disclose evidence during discovery?

Failure to disclose evidence can lead to sanctions, evidence exclusion, or even case dismissal, depending on the severity of the non-compliance.

How can I introduce new evidence after discovery?

You must file a motion with the court explaining why the evidence was not disclosed earlier and demonstrating its importance to the case.

Can opposing counsel object to late evidence submissions?

Yes, opposing counsel can argue that the late submission causes prejudice, leading the court to potentially exclude the evidence.

What steps can I take to avoid late evidence issues?

Maintain organized documentation, use discovery management tools, and communicate promptly with opposing counsel and the court if new evidence emerges.

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